SOS the Blog Vol 4 PART 2


Part 2: Moving out

 Reminder: Q and I keep in touch

December 6, 2023

I am just getting out of the shower. My soon to be EX Husband enters the bathroom.

Me: Yes?

I ask as I’m covering up with the towel and staring at him. We haven’t spoken in days, maybe even weeks. He begins to try and seduce me. It doesn’t work. So, of course, he starts to get a little upset.

My soon to be EX Husband: Are you seeing someone?

Me: No

My soon to be EX Husband: I thought we were being honest. We aren’t together so I can’t get mad.

I assure him that I am not seeing anyone. However, he knows pulling the honest card will get me because I feel like lies can take up too much space in my head. So, I respond HONESTLY!

Me: I am being nice to someone.

My soon to be EX Husband: Being nice?  Who is he?

Me: I’m not going to tell you that.

He snatches my phone! I am trying to get it back. He is pushing me back so that I can’t. I call my son because I am unsure what will transpire. I don’t know if he will find messages between us… and even though they are innocent, I know he will reach out to him and try to make me seem crazy or say something outrageous that will make anyone not want to know me. He has done this before. I also don’t know if he will hit me. AGAIN it wouldn’t be new! Just hasn’t been done in a while. He tells my son to go because we are ok. My oldest son sees us in a weird stance after the scuffle and says, “I think I should stay right here.” My soon to be EX Husband is now making calls to ANY guy in my dm via social media app. Luckily no one is answering. I tell my son to call my mom. As my son starts to dial – he gives me my phone back. I go into my bedroom to finish getting dressed because I am supposed to go to my little cousins B-day dinner party.  He comes back and bursts into my room

My soon to be EX Husband: You know what this means right?

Me: No. What?

My soon to be EX Husband: Get out! You gotta go!

Me: OK

He walks away. I think to myself How dare he thinks he can kick me out!!! He bursts in again.

My soon to be EX Husband: “I wish the worst for you! I don’t want nothing good for you! I wish DEATH on you!!!!”

That scares me a little given our history. When he leaves- I tell my son he has to help me pack my things and load my car. I tell him I don’t trust that it is safe for me to stay here tonight. He says ok -- I ask him if he wants to come with me…he thinks’, weighs things out and says, not tonight mom.

Once I get in the car- I remember what I have in my little case in the closet. I think it needs to go with me. I run back inside to grab it. I get to my sisters to drop off my case. Then head to the B-day dinner party.

Q just so happens to text me and ask what I’m up to.

Me: I am heading to dinner-for my cousins B-day.

Q: Oh you outside tonight.

Me: laughing a bit --- I guess.

Q: I’m just getting done work, I can text you once I get cleaned up and come out that way if you want.

Me: Ok.

Now I am nervous all over again. Yet I go to my cousins B-day dinner. I enjoy family and have 1 drink while eating something light. Once my sister arrives – We talk in the parking lot and I let her know what happened. After I tell her I’m coming to her house tonight instead of the date we had planned for me to house sit as I didn’t feel safe. Her response is of course its ok.

Q texts me that he is on his way to where I am. I say we should go somewhere else. My family is here, and they still don’t know about my separation…only my sister.

Q tells me to meet him at the restaurant up the street in 15 minutes or so. I say ok then wrap up dinner with the family. I let my sister know I need to make a pit stop. She suggests that we switch cars since mine is full of clothes. Good Call on her end.

I head to meet Q. I am a nervous sweaty wreck. I get there before Q and get a seat at the bar. He walks in…still tall, dark, and handsome.

We smile when we see each other. He comes over and gives me a hug. We order shots & enjoy some really good conversation. We talk about our situations. He says he is single. I say that I am newly separated. He says, “Oh so I’m the rebound?! We laugh. We order another round, and he makes a toast: “Cheers to you seeing that there are guys out here that will treat you right!!!”

We take the shot -- he leans in to give me a hug -- I kiss him.

We enjoy another hour or so together then I need to get home.

Disclaimer: This story doesn’t end with a new boyfriend. There is no Knight in Shining Armor or someone who saves me. I am my own Knight in Shining Armor, and my friends/family have been my Army. If it weren’t for the shenanigans to follow this night --- Q wouldn’t even been mentioned in this story at all. I will say this, Q taught me how to be single.


Quote: No one is coming to save you!

Lesson:  I love a good love story. My favorites are The Notebook and The Time Traveler’s Wife. I still believe in love. I am full of it these days. However, I find that people always want a MAN SAVIOR. If you don’t give yourself time to heal, you will end up right back in a similar situation, just with a different person. My goal is to have the patience of an elephant and to date like Flava Flav.


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