SOS Vol 5 : A Series of Unfortunate Events


SOS Vol 5 : A Series of Unfortunate Events

I believe in signs and premonitions. I am very connected to nature and intuition. This is something my mother and I share. 

Every few years in my relationship, I’d have a vision of a snake. Sometimes I’d dream about it…or at other times the image would just appear when I’m deep in thought… the snake never looks the same in color or size. But shortly after, My soon to be EX Husband would get caught. So, I ALWAYS associated it with a Warning. 

What u should know before hand:

·        Post the move out I am trying to be a cordial co-parent and a good mom as we have set a schedule for us to share the kids during the week. My kids were handling things well at first. So, I believed we could be family even though we were separated.

·        Daily he claims he still wants his family to me and ALL my family members. But once he found out that Q and I have been in touch and seeing each other about a couple of times weekly it’s a different story. He found out Q’s identity and makes snide comments about him or what we have texted about.

·        I suspect at this time that My soon to be EX Husband is reading my text messages somehow as well as my DMs

·        I have no idea who I can trust at this point in the separation!

·        There are some more serious things that I am unable to share at the moment

During the following series of events I keep having a vision of a black double headed snake!!


Late December 2023

Its late, Q and I are asleep……yes -- you read that correctly! My phone is ringing, so I grab it off of the nightstand. Its my son. I look at the time and its 2am. He should be asleep since he has school in the am. I answer.

Me: Yes buddy? Are you ok.

Son: Mom, where u at?

Me: Why honey, is everything ok?

There is a long pause…so now I am sitting straight up

Me: Are u ok?

Son: Yes, but I wanna come there with you.

Me: it’s late baby and you have to get up for school in the morning. Lay down with your dad and get some rest.

Another Long pause

Son: No I’m coming there with you…my dad about to bring me.

Me: Let me speak to your dad.

My soon to be EX Husband: Hello (Voice is shaken and sounds as if he has been crying.)

Me: Buddy has school in the morning and should really get some rest. Did you give him his melatonin?

My soon to be EX Husband: No, he just wants to come there. Look it’s not a problem I’ll bring him.

FYI: Buddy can see my location, so he knows I am not home!

Me: He has school in a few hours

My soon to be EX Husband: It’s ok I’ll pick him up in the morning.

Me: I’m not home. I am almost an hour away.

My soon to be EX Husband: oh Woooow!! Soooooo, Where you at?

Me: That doesn’t matter.           

My soon to be EX Husband: Wooooow!

Me: Can you let him lay with you?

My soon to be EX Husband: Yeah, I got him.

 Of course, he says it with all the sarcasm in his voice. We hang up and now I look over and Q is sitting up wide awake.

Me: You ok?

Q: yeah.

Now Q is up walking around but there is an awkward Silence

Q: Is he a controlling type of dude?

Me: Not anymore

Q: I don’t want to be led astray

Me: What does that mean?

Q: Later you go back to your family

Me: I have my family! Yet, I’m not going back to a marriage.

Him: ok

The next morning, I get up early and head to the house to check on my son before work.

A few weeks later

My son has a sports event in another state, and I agree to share a room as long as it has double beds. Q and I speak before I head to the event. On the drive up My soon to be EX Husband phone is ringing. He declines the call. They call back, he declines the call. They call back AGAIN. He laughs and says his cousin is drunk calling him. As I listen to the excuse because This isn’t unusual at all. So, I laugh.

We get settled into the room. He goes to the gym. My son and I do a few tik toks and play a few games then he showers and goes to bed because he needs to wake up early. I fall asleep as well. 3am - My ex wakes me up and is trying to be intimate- I refuse.

My soon to be EX Husband: Come on!

Me: NO

My soon to be EX Husband: Why??

Me: Well #1 my son is right here in the bed with me!?

My soon to be EX Husband: Wow!! You really like that Nigga?

Me: Goodnight!

He then proceeds to tell me that it wasn’t his cousin calling his phone!! (Like I believed it anyway) It was the girl he is seeing calling. Goes into detail that she wants a serious relationship but that he’s holding out for his family. My response to all that is: DON’T

The next morning - I wake up get buddy clothes out and go take a shower. My soon to be EX Husband Bursts in:

Me: Can you give me some privacy? (as I Cover myself up)

My soon to be EX Husband: (He Laughs) You know he’s dealing with other girls, right?

Me: Please get out

My soon to be EX Husband: I’m just trying to look out for you. Regardless I’m gonna protect you. I did some digging. He deals with this stripper chick named Mandy. She said he’s a controlling type of dude and he plays dirty games.

Me: Ok, Thank you. He’s NOT my husband!

My soon to be EX Husband: Just be careful. If he ever tries to hurt you. Call me and I’m there.

Me: Ok. Thanks Again

We go to the wrestling tournament. The event is near its end and my son has wrestled his last match. Q has been calling so I finally call him back:

Q: Hey baby. Does anyone know that we deal with each other?

Me: I don’t think so, why.

Q: Someone is texting me crazy things about you.

Me: About me? Crazy things like what?

Q: I just sent you a screenshot

As I look at the screen shot….My heart drops because I know exactly who sent it. I believed in this man when I knew what he was capable of.

Me: (I sigh.) My ex sent this. No one would ever say anything bad about me. Let alone something like this. I’ve been in a relationship for 20 yrs, not in the streets.

Q: I knew it was something like that. I called the number, and it seems like it came from a texting app.

Me: I’ll call you when I get back in town

I am boiling now --- But have to play it cool. Our team wins and everyone is going to dinner to celebrate. We send our son inside the restaurant, and we stay in the car for a CONFRONTATION!!

Guess what he does? Of course he denies it. He even has the audacity to say Q probably made it all up to turn me against him!

Early January 2024

It’s late and Q and I are together, talking while he is scrolling through his sports betting app.

My phone rings --- It’s my son.

Son: Mom where you at?

Me: I’m home

Son: ok I’m coming there.

Me: No You have to catch the bus there in the morning and its late.

            Long pause, phone is absolutely muted

Son: its ok my dad said he’ll bring me

Me: that’s a lot especially when you’ll see me tomorrow when you come with me/ go to sleep. Get some rest and call me when you wake up. I love you

Son: ok mom I love you too.

Q is quiet. We both have work in the morning, and I live far from him so he gets dressed to leave.

Q: Its like he can smell when I’m next to you. (He jokingly says)

In my head, I don’t laugh at Qs joke because I’m starting to realize what’s happening a little more. I walk him to the door, give him a kiss and see him off.


Mid January

We have been snowed in for 2 days. Our driveway hasn’t been plowed yet so we are literally stuck in. All the kids are here. We have been playing cards, joking, enjoying home cooked meals, laughter and even a snowball fight --- the boys not me.

I am cooking dinner and scrolling through my phone when I realize it’s been about 3 days since I’ve heard from Q. I am wondering if he’s ok, or if I did something, or better yet, did my ex do something?

I revert to cooking dinner and turn on some music and sing while I cook. Once dinner is done I decide to check in with Q. I go to text him but cannot find his number. His name is just not coming up.

I check my blocked contacts and sure enough -- there is his number. Clearly, I didn’t block him. I assume my son did it. I unblock him and send a text




A few days later, I meet up with Q. He knows he was blocked, and we talk about it. He asks if I think my son is reading my messages and telling his dad what they say. I say, ”NO he wouldn’t do that.”

I forgot to mention I found a deleted text from my son to Q saying “Stop texting my mom!”

Q never mentioned this to me but states that it’s already been a lot. Between the text messages from my ex and son and the blocking he feels uneasy. Q also states he never knows who he’s talking to when texting me.

After this conversation, we text less and less, nothing like before. Throughout this time My soon to be Ex Husband is still presenting himself to be my savior.

“Call me if you need help.”

“I am here for you.”

March 2024

I ask him to check my oil. He does then proceed to ask questions about Q. He tells me that Q is not a good person. He uses examples to explain using things Q has said to me via text. He asks how I can call him names that I used to call him

My suspicions have been confirmed --- My soon to be EX Husband is reading my text messages somehow as well as my DMs!

As soon as he leaves --- I remove any unauthorized users from my iCloud and add 2 factor auth to all accounts.

April 2024

After a storm, a tree falls on our house and my sister calls her landscaper aka My soon to be EX Husband to come and cut it. He does so while I am at work.

I am texting Q a funny joke, which is sexual. When he responds, I notice its read before I can read it. I have no idea how my messages are being read now so I remove My soon to be EX Husband from my apple family plan.

When I arrive home, My soon to be EX Husband was cutting the tree but refused to speak with me.

I tell my sister -- I think he went into my room and read my messages from my iPad. We look through the cameras to find that he follows my son into my bedroom and stays in there for a while before coming back outside.

May 2024

I drop my son off to practice then go to meet Q.

I arrive back home just before he gets home. I go into my room and when I come out I see my son drop my iPad and move away from it.

My soon to be EX Husband later calls me and talks about my text messages. Once I get off the call, I ask my son to come to my room.

Me: Are you reading my text messages for daddy.

Son: tears up

Me: what’s wrong

I finally realize what I am dealing with, and I give him a big hug!

Quote: In order to receive your new life, you have to lose your old one.


I have a breakthrough & recognize that I cannot take my old life into my new life. When a snake grows it sheds its old skin. It leaves it in the same place it sheds.

Visions of a snake symbolizes

·       transformation in spiritual growth. 

·       Transformation

·       Rebirth

·       Shedding of outdated habits and beliefs 

Double headed serpent meaning:

·       Warning, conflict, duality, opposing forces. 

·       Can also be a warning something dangerous may happen 

·       Or can symbolize an unknown force within you attempting to break free. 




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