SOS vol 6 -- SOS, The Crew


SOS vol 6 -- SOS, The Crew

Its time I introduce you to my crew!

During this year of separation, I had a few friends who also were going through a shaky time or two and we just accidently, or coincidentally formed a bond. We showed up for one another, took each other on dates, laughed, cried, or just had a random sleep over. Whatever one of us needed we just were present in supporting one another. I jokingly named our group chat “Waiting to Exhale”, after rewatching the movie one day and realizing --- that’s what stage of life my friends and I were in! That was short-lived as we have since renamed ourselves “The SOS Crew”!! (aka Starting Over Single)

So here they are in no specific order:

Lisa AKA the mom of the crew.

As a licensed therapist who is quick to call out the BS! She is the one who will ask us the questions that make you think. Not that we want to feel our feelings while inebriated but leave it to her… it’s going to happen. Lisa recently ended a 16 year on again off again relationship. It recently ended due to her boyfriend being spotted at an engagement party. Correction HIS engagement party! Yup you heard that correctly! The AUDACITY! 


TeeTee, my sister AKA the SOS President

She has been single longer than all of us! TeeTee knows what she wants. She is career driven, good with finances, sharp as a tic, & NOT accepting anything less than 99% from a man.She is single by choice because either come Correct or Not at all! Yet, TeeTee has just broken up with her career which has been her man for the past 5 yrs. It’s an eye opening experience for the amount of FREE time she has to play with. 



Tiana AKA the newborn single

Tiana is fresh in her singleness. She has just about a week into living in separate homes from her husband. Her emotions are all over the place and it’s still a touchy subject. I feel close to Tiana, at the moment, because I am only a few months ahead of her. I have felt the emotions she is experiencing and while I empathize, I am also able to show her that better days are coming. 


Austin has no AKA because he is the baby cousin of TeeTee and myself!

Austin is an adopted member of the SOS crew because he may or may not be in a relationship, at the moment, we really NEVER know until we meet up! One minute he knows his worth and he’s ready for better --- the next minute he’s posting pictures of his significant other for National Girlfriends’ Day! We thought briefly about kicking him out 😊.... but We can always count on Austin for a good laugh or to be a Wing man! It’s just not the same without him. 


The group has grown, but I’ll just introduce these 4 for now because they are the Originals, and we tend to get together more than the others. Just because of our history growing up together as children in church and/or school. 

May 26, 2024

The SOS Crew and I are in the dining room singing our hearts out during Karaoke, laughing so much our stomachs are in pain, and just enjoying each other’s company. We start to serenade Tiana, for her birthday. We sing every happy birthday song we know as well as one’s we make up on the spot! After her serenading, she expresses how happy and grateful she is for the night. She starts to reflect on her year and her separation which is fresher than mine now. She starts to cry. I assure her that things do get better. We all console her.

We decide that tonight needs to be a sleepover. Tiana had her kids but needs to meet her husband to drop them off, so I ride with her. Conversing on the way back---

Tiana: What’s up with You and the ball player?”

Oh, I forgot to mention that detail about Q. He is a retired pro athlete. Let’s wrap up Q’s debut.


Jan 24, 2024

We are at high school wrestling match. It’s a big one because my nephew could possibly reach his 100th win today.

I am seated with my family and other teammates families. We are loud, laughing, and discretely handing out posters, signs, etc for my nephew’s big win.

I look up and see Q on the other side of the gym. He did tell me he would be there because his nephew was also wrestling. (No, our nephews did not wrestle each other!)

Q stops over to give me a hug. Then makes a joke about us being on opposing teams. He then goes to sit back with his team.

About 20 mins later, my soon to be EX Husband walks in. He brought my son. I give my son his poster. When I sit back down, I look up and my soon to be EX Husband is talking to me with a scrunched face and his mouth tight. He says something like, “You are playing a dangerous game” I wave him off because we’re here for my nephew.

He walks away but is clearly upset. He keeps looking over at Q. Then my phone goes off. It’s a text from Q!

The matches begin. My nephew has his Big Win! It is announced! I stay for as many matches as I can, then I must head out to teach a private yoga class I had scheduled at the yoga studio.

I tell my sister and my son I must go and start to walk out to my car. I can see My soon to be EX Husband rushing to leave behind me. I move a little faster. I get to my car and pull out without having to run into him. Yesssssss thank goodness I think to myself. Once I get to the studio, I text Q and let him know I left in a rush to teach. Since I didn’t say bye. He responds:


Q doesn’t respond. So, we don’t speak for a week or 2. Once he realizes I am NOT chasing he texts to come see me. We meet up & discuss that night’s events again.

I rationalize that My soon to be EX Husband and I have kids together so it’s impossible to pretend I’ll never see him.

Q: I don’t know how it goes I never been married.

Me: It just dawned on me now and I am forced to remember, I am also 5 years older than you. Ugghh. You were born in the 90’s sir.

We laugh about it and I think were good. Remember when I introduced you all to Q --- I said he was Not my savior, or my newfound happiness, or happy ending!!! I said and I quote, “He taught me how to be single”, I’m almost sure that was his purpose.

As a retired pro athlete. He took great care of his body. He looked AMAZING! He was funny, we had some of the Best chemistry. We would talk about it often. When we were together, we always had a good time. My soon to be EX Husband became obsessed with Q.

If it weren’t for My soon to be EX Husband…Q would have been my best kept secret. Yet My soon to be EX Husband felt the need to let everyone know about him. He called my mom, he told my aunt, uncle, grandmother, maybe even the pastor at my family’s church. He told our mutual friends. He even told my kids! Then he researched Q. He asked about Q. He found Q’s social media and lurked.

After all of this Q disappeared for a while. He even deleted all social media. (I don’t know why) this is just what happened. I reached out eventually and asked if he was ok. He said yes and that he was consumed with something at the moment. So, I gave him his space.

He reached back out in May --- that’s when we reunited and it’s also the day, I found out just how far My soon to be EX Husband would go to know my every move (the ending of vol 5!)

When Q and I reunited --- it was different. He became the guy every single tik tok or dating story talks about when they speak about dating in 2024. INCONSISTENT. We’d go days and sometimes weeks without speaking, then I’d gets a random “Hey Baby” text from him. I would also randomly get calls from him at 2am. If I didn’t answer. My phone would keep ringing. I told him 2 am didn’t work for me as I was a mother, and because I work in the damn morning. So, he tried 1 am --- still a NoGo..…then midnight --- And to be honest, midnight would work for me IF he caught me on the right night!

The problem was that our relationship had completely shifted. He was not the same person who made the toast about men treating me right. In his defense, however, he could’ve been talking about other men. I started to notice silly lies. Q would say things to me when we were together than completely forget about them when I say something later. He would say --- “I love you, please never leave me alone!” Then we could go weeks without speaking. I am the type of person to take notice of what you say AND what you do. When they don’t add up, I remove myself. So, when he would call at midnight --- I’d say NO. He would finally respond with –“You must be back with your husband!”. I finally started turning my ringer off at night.

I have love for who Q used to be. I have more love for Who I was becoming!

You have to remember that when I met Q I was fresh into a separation. I hadn’t had any experience in the new dating world. I was sad and angry and sometimes lonely. I was used to always having a man by my side. I was accustomed to having help with decision making, to cuddling when I wanted, being intimate often. I still very much had a wife mentality. I also didn’t date during the time I was seeing Q regularly. Not only was I being loyal to Q in a way, but I was also still trying to prove to My soon to be EX Husband that I wasn’t going to be a whore like he used to tell me I was. So, I felt the need to keep Q close so I had what I needed when I needed it.

Once we took a break, I finally had to feel the lonely stage of separation. It’s a hard adjustment to live with your husband and kids every day, then to live without your husband and only have your kids for half the week. I still wasn’t ready to date. Men that is. This is where my friends come along and help a girl out.

We began to go on dates together. We spoiled each other. We picked up tabs for each other. Scoped out new places, made reservations, made sure each other Birthdays were special. We showed each other what to accept. If a man isn’t coming to date me the way my friends have this year, they will have no luck.

At this tome My soon to be EX Husband had ensured that he wouldn’t keep my kids weekends so that I couldn’t have any free weekends. So my friends and I deemed WEDNESDAY’S the new Saturday.

As time went on, I started to enjoy the extra time I had to do my skincare, wear my aligners, take care of my skin and hair. I booked massages, took more hot yoga classes, and found a home gym. An inconsistent man with a bag full of lies would only be in the way of me caring for myself, enjoying my career, caring for my kids etc. Also, when I was dealing with Q --- I wasn’t open to meeting other guys or dating. He met me fresh out. So, I had no clue that I could do that. I thought I had to be loyal to him. Since Q --- I have met a few guys’, who would treat me right, if I let them. My focus, however, isn’t on a new relationship. I don’t want to share the freedom I just got. I don’t want to have to answer to anyone. I like coming home to smiles and laughter. Loneliness doesn’t live here. Especially when I have my kids, my family, and my crew. We are all in different phases of separation or singleness that’s why we are Starting Over Single (SOS). We all get to see where we’ve been or what’s to come. I love that for us!



My soon to be EX Husband panted this picture to my boys as if I left them when I left the house. He insinuated or even flat out stated that I was more worried about fucking all these niggas instead of caring for my kid! We know he had my location somehow and would tell my kids when he thought I was with Q. Even saying that I rode past the old house to go get my vagina waxed, so I could have sex with multiple men, & how I was right next to them and didn’t stop to see them.

Here’s the thing --- It’s always inappropriate to say things like this to a then 9 year old, right! 

But here is the truth I did get waxed to pamper myself and my day to have the boys was the next day! So, why would I interfere with his time with the boys. The picture he was painting was wild. My youngest went through a phase where he was upset with me because of things his dad was telling him. I initially just thought he was having a hard time with the split. 

So when he was angry I’d tell him it’s ok. I’d hold him at night and tell him he can cry or I could take him to the woods and let him scream if he wanted. I tried to fill our weekends with as much fun events that I could afford to keep his mind busy and to find some type of newfound happiness. I also kept things as normal as possible on the days that the boys were with me:

·       Cooking dinner 

·       Dinner conversations 

·       Family time 

·       Paint nights, and sleepovers with friends and cousins.


I had no Idea of the things that were being said to them in the other home.


The best way to not be good enough, is to try and be someone else’s version of good.

Ms. Pat



I am the great chemistry. I have learned that I have great chemistry with everyone I encounter. It was never them, but always me 😊


Bonus content available for vol 6 (Instructions for access will be shared tomorrow via Instagram
vol 7 DA BABY drops 9/21 midnight 


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